Page 10 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 10
1.1 Purpose
This Regional Employment and Skills Plan for South West & Mid Wales has been developed to inform Welsh Government’s (WG) strategic approach to the delivery of employment and skills provision.
This report informs a Regional Planning and Funding Template which details recommended changes to the full time further education and work-based learning offers across the region for the next three years (academic years 19/20, 20/21 and 21/22). Both elements combine to support WG in the delivery of a post- 16 learning environment which is fit for purpose and meets the needs of learners, industry and providers.
The Regional Learning and Skills Partnership (RLSP) continue to see the plan as the main vehicle for creating change in the region. This iteration differs to its counterparts due to its more ‘long-term’ nature, written with the next three years in mind. The recommendations made will therefore inform an action plan which will dictate the RLSP’s activity over the next three years aligning to its over-arching vision as set out in this plan;
‘To create a post -16 learning environment which meets the needs of learners, industry and providers thus improving the economic well-being of South West and Mid Wales’.
1.2 Process and Methodology 1.2.1 Primary Evidence
The RLSP utilises a range of primary and secondary labour market intelligence (LMI) and its extensive range of partner organisations to inform the development of a plan which can be deemed fit for purpose and representative. The RLSP’s structure can be seen here.
Primary evidence is mainly acquired through extensive industry engagement, which serves to inform the demand element of the plan. The majority of this evidence is gathered via a skills survey which is disseminated electronically to the RLSP’s extensive employer database. This activity is bolstered by telephone interviews and the eight industry cluster groups whose involvement continues to prove invaluable.
The cluster groups each have an individual chair who represents their sector on the board. Their wider role can be seen here. The cluster groups represent the following sectors:
• Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Energy,
• Construction,
• Creative Industries, Financial and Professional Services and ICT,
• Food and Land Management,
• Health and Social Care,
• Leisure, Tourism and Retail,
• Mid Wales – All industry,
• Public Sector.
The sectors have been deemed a priority as they each play a pivotal role in the economic landscape of the region. Their presence in terms of growth, employment capacity and monetary contribution to the economy places them at the forefront of the RLSP’s efforts in improving the economic wellbeing of the two regions of South West and Mid Wales.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales