Page 41 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2018
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The project will create in excess of a 100 jobs in the agri-tech industry and related fields once fully operational, creating demand in terms of higher level scientific skills.
Aberystwyth University are also leading on the development of the £3m project VetHub1 - a modern, fully-equipped, state-of-the-art facility to promote and protect animal and human health and to support animal health, veterinary, bio-technology and allied industries. The hub will include a unique Category 3 laboratory in addition to a range of other new tests and associated product development for animal diseases that are now emerging within the livestock sector.
The operation will further strengthen critical mass within the Growing Mid Wales area in the priority sector areas of Animal Health and Veterinary Science.
4.3 Support for City/Growth Deals
Swansea Bay City Deal26
The RLSP are the lead body for one of the eleven projects put forward in the proposal of the Swansea Bay City Deal. The Skills and Talent Intervention is an over-arching project which will determine the skills needs of the ten remaining projects and create a pipeline of skilled and talented individuals. Aligning with the 4 key strands of the Deal i.e. Internet of Economic Acceleration; Energy; Life Science and Well-being and Smart Manufacturing, the Intervention will develop a fit for purpose workforce to support the growth of the four themes, in turn improving the future competitiveness of the region.
In the first instance this intervention is initially a desk based research project to identify the available skills within the SBCR. This will act as the foundation on which primary research can be conducted with the 10 remaining projects to identify their specific skill needs and in turn, any gaps which may be present. The research findings will determine the amends or developments required to the education offer within the region. It may be the case that current courses and frameworks will need to be amended or conversely the development of entirely new courses and frameworks to meet industry needs.
Growing Mid Wales Growth Deal
The Growing Mid Wales Partnership was established in 2015 to drive forward the economic wellbeing of the region. To this end, most recently external consultants have been appointed by the Partnership to develop a Regional Economic Development Plan built on a solid evidence base. The strategic priorities identified within the development plan will inform the development of a growth deal for the region.
Initial discussions have identified potential areas of focus for interventions, these include;
• 21st Century Business,
• Rural Powerhouse, • Tourism,
• Defence and Security.
The RLSP welcomes the development of this plan and have actively fed into consultation activities to inform the evidence base. It is hoped that this plan will provide the RLSP with a clear direction of travel which can be reflected in any recommendations made within future iterations of this Annual Report. This not only applies to provision but also to wider activities the RLSP may choose to pursue with the hope of improving the economic wellbeing of the region.
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Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Aspirational Projects and Key Developments