Page 8 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2018
P. 8
Opportunities and Provision
Significant opportunities will be made available across the region through large scale projects such as the Swansea Bay City Deal and the Mid Wales Growth Deal.
7. To continue to align activities to large scale aspirational projects ensuring that skills requirements are identified and addressed within an appropriate timescale.
Evidence collated via engagement with stakeholders indicates that there are gaps in the provision offered. As a result many learners are either unable to pursue their career path of choice or are forced to identify new pathways to undertake courses in the areas they desire
8. Support partners to develop a curriculum that is fit for purpose, ensuring that new provision is facilitated in areas where currently the required resources are not available.
9. Ensuring that those areas of provision identified within SDF and SPP are supported and delivered.
Many employers feel that apprenticeship frameworks do not meet the needs of their businesses and attribute this as one of the main barriers to employing an apprentice.
10. Improve employer engagement in the development of Apprenticeship frameworks, including for higher and degree level programmes through greater direct employer input and flexibility.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Executive Summary