Page 24 - GRFC_2021
P. 24
There’s been silence at The Brian Jones Memorial Field for far too long. The fields have lain silent but that hasn’t meant that our beloved Club has stood still – here’s a snapshot.
On Saturday 29 February 2020, we entertained Old Penarthians. Sixteen months later the notice board stood as a monument to the impact of the pandemic upon so much in our lives.
Rugby was low down our list of priorities as the nature of the threat emerged. However, the WRU immediately recognised that Clubs would need advice and support. The Union’s new Chairman, Robert Butcher vowed to do everything possible to see every Club emerge from the enforced break and to return to play. To the eternal credit of our Union, Rob and his team stood by their word and spared no effort.
We all became familiar with Zoom, Teams and the like. Clubs were asked to nominate a ‘Covid Operations Manager’ to liaise with the Union, advising their team how the pandemic was impacting upon the Club and all associated with it looking forward to recovery.
Our own Club was singled out as one that could be called upon to play a role in representing ‘grass roots rugby’. Chairman Rob Stephens asked Pete Weavers to act as Covid Operations Manager and Club representative in the many working groups set up to address the many challenges. Pete has spent hundreds of hours on the task and has helped illustrate that Gwernyfed RFC may be a small Club in the Welsh hinterland but that it is one that has a huge heart and punches above its weight in its commitment to community-based rugby.
As it became clear that the 19/20 season was at an end, early efforts were built around securing the financial position of Club. Treasurer Michelle Lewis quickly looked to minimise costs as income dropped off the proverbial cliff. The Union
undertook to help Clubs by making payments based upon the activity of teams, senior, junior and mini, first aiders, referees and the like.
Gwernyfed fairs well under the system thanks to so many volunteers and, with grants to assist in the arrangements, we adapted activity to cater for the return to training and play as time moved on.
As the spring came and went, we set up a ‘Return to Play working group with representatives from every mini/junior age group, the Red Kites (all four groups) Youth and senior rugby. Regular bulletins were issued by the WRU, distributed to the Return to Play group and digested with a view to implementation on the ground. Thanks are due to everyone who has been involved with this – we applied the rules and guidance with success and sensitivity.
All too sadly we lost some great Gwernyfed men during the pandemic. Our Patron John Morgans succumbed to illness and one of the Club’s true stalwarts, a giant, Jack Thomas left us and wears green, white and black elsewhere. We could not offer Pam or Shan, Kate and Alfie the hugs that they all deserve, but they know that we will always think of John, Jack any many more in the pantheon of the Gwernyfed departed.
Summer drifted by as did what we had hoped would be the start of a new season in September. The captains’ boards in the Clubhouse will for ever illustrate the loss of a complete season!
Light dawned on 23 March 2021 when the Union published a Pathway to Participation which saw a return to limited training and now, at last, rugby is back!