Page 12 - The Crew Academy Course Brochure 2020
P. 12
Management & Leadership Course
Aimed at interior crew with 2 plus seasons experience who are looking to step into or improve their current senior position in the interior. This educational and interesting course develops all aspects of managerial skills and leadership.
In stepping up, it covers all below elements as set out in the GUEST Certifications Guidelines:
GUEST Certifications
• AdvancedInteriorManagement • AdvancedLeadership
• Communication&Teambuilding
• Recruitment
• BasicAccounting
• EventPlanning&DestinationManagement
Course Outlines
Over the 5-day course is an expansion of communication with a focus on leadership and management. It will help to raise awareness in yourself and others, to recognise the importance of flexibility and adaptability and to be able to organise and manage the interior of a yacht efficiently, professionally, calmly and effectively.
Clarifying better understanding of cultural differences, leadership styles, effective communication, recruitment, performance management, interior management and administration, accounting basics, budgeting and event planning. With the inclusion of activities, role play and interactive communication throughout.
Key Outcomes
All passing students are accredited with a GUEST Certificate – 100% attendance rate required. 2 written examinations with a pass mark of 75%.
All courses include training material for the duration of the 5-day course, light breakfast and simple lunch provided.
Minimum of 2 – 6 students per course to ensure optimal training results.
10 management & leadership
Course Modules
Module 1
Module 2
Conflict resolution Motivation
Goal Setting
Team work, Communication
Cultural Differences Performance Management Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Destination Management Module 8
Event Planning
1 Written Exam
Please Note
Full attendance each
day is compulsory in order to attain your course certification.