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theory is that your personality develops through your
interaction with your environment. The expectations
you bring to a situation not only influence the outcome
but they also effect how hard you try, how anxious you
are in the situation, and ultimately how things turn
out. Fortunately your locus of control is not fixed. You
can change it if you want to.
If you are ready to unlock the power of Earth
Angels and Magic Moments in your life don't wait for
miracles to happen
create an environment where
they can thrive.
Take the first step today! Here are seven simple yet
powerful actions to invite Earth Angels and Magic
Moments into your life:
1. Turn Off The Blame Game
The blame game is a linguistic villain lurking in the
shadows, ready to sabotage our lives. In a study called
Blame Contagion, researchers Will M. Hart, John F.
Dovidio and Samuel L. Gaertner determined that
people who love pointing fingers and blaming others
end up losing status, earning less and performing
worse. It's like a self-destruct button they've