Page 123 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 123
on TV?” I asked.
The tourists were out in full force. Gangs of
grannies shuffling in and out of casinos, kids with
candy, big boys with beers, big girls with cocktails,
families with fries, franks and ice cream. Shorts, shades
and selfies everywhere.
“Motivate people. Right? ”
“ … or inspire, or transform or challenge them.” I
“I’m sorry. Am I bugging you?”
We exchanged glances.
“Would you do this job if you didn't get paid for
it?” I asked.
“Probably not."
"In more than 20 years of speaking," I said, "I have
yet to come across a really great speaker who isn’t
absolutely passionate about their topic. And not only
passionate but curious, hungry to learn and desperate
to stay current and to help people. Sure we get well
paid: but that's not why we do it.”
"Why do you do it then?" I was almost relieved by
the question. The conversation was getting around to