Page 166 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 166

around us – the chiming bells of the Basilica, the
warbling vibrato of "The Gondolier March" drifting up
from the canals. It was a surreal moment, one that left
me feeling both intrigued and uneasy.
I hadn’t noticed the yellow Motorola two-way
radio in his hand until he lifted it to his mouth and
squeezed it. “Hey Jules – I got him.” He let go the talk
Her voice came through the tiny speaker. “Mister
Boothman, this is Mannie. He’s my,” she paused, she
was shouting and there was a flapping sound in the
background, “he’s my… boss.”
“What’s going on Julia? Where are you?”
“I got a surprise for you. I’m only five minutes
away. Please. Mannie will bring you.”
It’s just over a mile from The Venetian to The
Circus Circus Hotel and Resort. Mannie spoke twice on
the Motorola but I couldn’t make out what he was
saying. After a few minutes he turned left off the strip
then north on Sammy Davis Junior Drive and turned
into the back of Circus Circus Adventure dome. We

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