Page 4 - WritingMadlyV3
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Since then, it has been delivered in person as a
weekend workshop to more than two thousand as-
piring writers in 12 different cities, including Toron-
to, Las Vegas, Austin, Texas, and Jacksonville, Flor-
ida. And since the pandemic, to more than three
hundred people online.
Times have changed since 2015, and the publish-
ing industry has undergone significant transforma-
tions. Self-publishing has become increasingly pop-
ular, digital platforms have reshaped the way we
consume books, and social media has altered the
marketing landscape. Yet, despite these shifts, the
essential elements of a saleable book remain un-
changed. A successful book still requires a com-
pelling combination of relevance, originality, and
The Writing Madly mantra "First just write it,
then make it great" means that you should initially
focus on getting your ideas down on paper or
screen without worrying too much about grammar,
spelling, or perfection. Just write from the heart and
let your creativity flow!
Once you have your ideas down, you can then
review, edit, and revise to make it better. Check for
errors, improve clarity, and refine your ideas to
make them shine!

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