Page 78 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 78

darkness deepened and the silence between them grew
thicker, she couldn't shake the feeling that they'd made
a terrible mistake.
The last town was 30 miles behind them, a distant
memory in the rearview mirror. The next one lay 15
miles ahead, a promise of safety and salvation. But as
they rounded a bend, the engine sputtering on fumes,
Miriam's heart sank. They were running on empty,
literally and figuratively.
And then, like a beacon in the darkness, they saw it
– a sign that read "Fuel and Oil: 5 miles." Mark exhaled
a sigh of relief, but Miriam's fear didn't dissipate. They
were still miles from safety, still vulnerable to the
dangers that lurked in the shadows.
As they coasted towards the gas station, their
hearts pounding in unison, Miriam couldn't help but
wonder – would they make it in time? Or would the
darkness consume them, leaving them stranded and
helpless in the vast expanse of the African night?
The place had seen better days. Lights were out on
the pumps and the sign sprayed on the repair bay door
said “closed.” But lights were on around the side, near

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