Page 78 - EAMMV3
P. 78

to stay in their public space. “I was just watching you
guys chatting. You seem to be having a good time and I
was wondering if I could ask you a couple of
questions.” He got their best “well duh!” faces but
continued. “I write a blog for the Newcastle Times and
I’m just curious about a couple of things,” he said. “If
that’s ok?”
Fortunately, at that very moment the waitress
squeezed by and said, “Need a top-up, Eric?”
“No thanks Sally, I’m good.”
Credibility established, the boy grinned at the
others and said, “What’s it about?”
“I’m working on a piece about talking to strangers
and I wondered how you feel about that.”
They giggled, shrugged and smirked.
Ben scrunched along to let Eric sit down.
Eric asked their names, “if that’s ok with you?”
Selina and Anna faced each other at the far end of
the booth against the wall: Ben and Lilly sat across
from each other.
They agreed Eric could record the conversation. It
went like this.

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