Page 81 - EAMMV3
P. 81

accept somebody for who they are, even when they're
different from us and we don't agree with them? Why
’t we just treat people with respect? Why?”
“Hey,” Eric said, “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you. I guess
I’m doing exactly what you’re talking about but it’s not
my intention to scare you. This isn’t about you, or me.
It’s about 500 words to help people connect and make
their lives easier, friendlier, safer.”
Selina made eye contact with Eric for the first time.
Anna and Ben nodded and smiled and Ben said,
“Have you ever met a stranger and had something
great come from it?” Eric asked.
Lilly answered. “New friends.”
Anna agreed. “Yeah. New friends.”
“I didn’t know any of these guys until we met,”
Selina said slurping-up the last of her shake.
Eric laughed out loud. “How did you start talking
to each other?”
They were talking over each other now.
“Don’t know,” Lilly said.
Anna agreed. “We just started hanging out together

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