Page 5 - 2017 Sensor-1 Catalog
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Custom Manufacturing & Design
Sensor-1 is now offering custom engineering and/or prototyping for any idea that you may have, for use in electrical farming operations. Our goal is to create quality electronic products that save you money, keep your customers attention and attract others. We are con dent our staff will help you to create a new product that will give you the competitive advantage you want. Call or email us for any questions you have today and we will begin a con dential relationship that you can rely on, helping you make your vision a new reality.
Sensor-1 is a small manufacturing company that makes and sells Agricultural Electronics. With that, we have the ability, professional knowledge, and outside resources to help you create your next product idea from Conception to Marketing and Selling.
Bring it home, and make it in america again!
Reverse Engineering
Custom Cables
Juki 2060 Pick & Place
Discrete Component Assembly
Toll Free: 1-800-SENSOR-1 1-800-736-7671 Phone: 1-785-937-4466
Fax: 1-785-937-4386 -5
Milling Machine

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