Page 1 - BOOK V Unit 4
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                       JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND
                                                                         UNIT 1  PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT
                 UNIT 4                        ACROSS A

                                               VAST LAND

                 Travel far enough, you meet

                 —David Mitchell

                           In this unit, you will                            Look and discuss
                       1  read about a rail journey across Canada.       1  When and where was this photo taken?
                       2  hear and talk about journeys across vast       2  If you took a rail journey like this, what do
                         lands.                                            you think you would see and experience?
                       3  write an email about a journey.                3  Have you ever taken a long rail journey?
                       4  learn about a journey through Jack London’s      What was it like? How might the rail
                         literature.                                       journey in the photo be different or similar?

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