Page 1 - BOOK IV Unit 3
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                       FASCINATING PARKS
                              3               FASCINATING

               UNIT                           PARKS

                                                                       A national park is not a
                                                                       playground. It’s a sanctuary
                                                                       for nature and for humans
                                                                       who will accept nature on
                                                                       nature’s own terms.

                                                                       —Michael Frome

                    In this unit, you will                                 Look and discuss

                1  read about Sarek National Park and some             1  Where do you think the photo was
                    theme parks.                                           taken?
                2  listen to and talk about how to get to different    2  Would you like to go there? Why?
                    places in a park.                                  3  Should a place like this be developed?
                3  write an introduction to a park.                      If so, how?
                4  learn about national parks around the world.
                                                                                     UNIT 3  FASCINATING PARKS   25
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