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Placing an Order

                                                                                         English at Work – Episode #5

        Placing an Order


        A. Warm-Up Questions

        1.  Do you have an email account?     3.  Who do you write to?             5.   What do you do when the
                                                                                       price of your order increases?
        2.  Do you like corresponding         4.  Have you ever ordered
            via email?                           anything online?

        B.  Vocabulary Preview

        Match the words on the left with the correct meanings on the right.

               1.   order                     a)  the final price with all costs included
               2.   catalog                   b)  to check, to confirm
               3.   grand total               c)  a request to purchase things
               4.   ship                      d)  to submit, to give
               5.   online                    e)  a document that shows the prices for the order
               6.   verify                    f)  available
               7.   software                  g)  added as a file to an email message
               8.   in stock                  h)  an accounting program file for a computer
               9.   place                     i)  to send
               10.   supplies                 j)  yellow writing paper used to take notes
               11.   attached                 k)  things used in an office
               12.   spreadsheet              l)  a large folder with rings used to hold paper
               13.   invoice                  m) a book or magazine that shows items for sale and their prices
               14.   three-inch binder        n)  an amount or number needed
               15.   legal pad                o)  computer programs
               16.   quantity                 p)  found on the Internet

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