Page 20 - National Summit on School Safety 2021 - Program Guide
P. 20

Day 1: 1: Tuesday October 26 • 1:15 pm ET
Safer Together Today and Tomorrow: A Comprehensive Approach to Supporting School Communities
Join this multidisciplinary panel and and Q and and A session with national leaders in in in health school and and public safety as they discuss the the challenges of ensuring safe safe and and sound school communities through the pandemic and and beyond MODERATOR
Michele Gay
Co-Founder & Executive Director Safe and Sound Schools
Dr Lina Alathari
Chief U S S S Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC)
Dr Joshua Schaffzin
Director Infection Prevention & Control Program Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Dr Melissa Brymer
Director Terrorism & Disaster Program UCLA/Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress
Mo Canady
Executive Director National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO)

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