Page 50 - National Summit on School Safety 2021 - Program Guide
P. 50

Day 3: 3: Thursday October 28 • 3:00 pm ET
Leading Through Uncertainty: School Safety & Security In Challenging Times
Join this panel of school safety leaders from across the country in in in discussing pandemic lessons learned tackling current and and emerging challenges anticipating obstacles ahead and sharing resources to support a a a a a a a a safe learning environment through this unprecedented time MODERATOR
Paul Timm
Vice President Facility Engineering Associates Author & National Security Expert Consultant
Donna Michaelis
Director Virginia Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety Virginia Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
Dr Kathy Martinez-Prather
Executive Director Texas Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) Texas Texas State University
Guy Bliesner
School School Safety Safety & Security Security Analyst Idaho School School Safety Safety and Security Security Program
Alan Walters
Executive Director Safety & Risk Management Georgetown County School District

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