Page 28 - Nov Dec HCMA Bulletin
P. 28

HCMA Alliance News
Leadership Recognized
Michael Kelly Alliance Secretary/Treasurer
  This past summer, the Alliance paid tribute to our Leadership by commis- sioning a page in the AMA Alliance national magazine, Physician Family Magazine, the leadership edition. A full page spread called attention to the leadership of the HCMA, the HCMA Foundation, and the HCMA Alliance. Copies of the magazine were mailed to all Alliance members.
To commemorate the occasion, I presented the HCMA Executive Di- rector, Debbie Zorian, with a framed reprint of the magazine cover and the HCMA Leadership page. Pictured with me and the framed reprint is HCMA Foundation President, Dr. Bruce
In other Alliance news, there has been a proposal to re- name our Alliance “The Hillsborough County Medical Asso- ciation Physician Family Alliance.” It is felt that this title more accurately reflects the goals of our Alliance. Email me your thoughts, I would love to hear your comments.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 65, No. 4 – November/December 2019

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