Page 5 - Nov Dec HCMA Bulletin
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November/December 2019
Executive Director
Debbie Zorian
David Lubin, MD
Managing Editor
Elke Lubin
Editorial Board
Erfan Albakri, MD William Davison, MD Rodolfo Eichberg, MD Michael Foley, MD Richard Lockey, MD Husain Nagamia, MD Barry Verkauf, MD
November/December 2019
Artist Edward Lehman painted three White House State Rooms for Jacqueline Kennedy for Christmas gifts. Dr. and Mrs. Seeley commissioned Mr. Lehman to create art for the First Edition of “Season’s Greetings from the White House.” See page 14 to read about the Seeleys’ incredible collection.
Please visit to order books and other memorabilia.
6 President’s Message 8 Editor’s Page 10 Executive Director’s Desk 29 New Members 30 Personal News
Committee Update 12 Government Affairs Committee
Michael Cromer, MD, Chairman
A Member’s All American Collection 14 White House Holidays
Mary Seeley
The Future of Medicine 18 it relates to genomics
Amarilis Sanchez-Valle, MD Jennifer W. Leiding, MD
Foundation Grant Recipient 20 Voices for Children
Jennifer Starr, Executive Director
Reflections 24 What did my grandparents die of?
Rodolfo Eichberg, MD
Practitioners’ Corner 26 Crazy Diets, Food Intolerance, and Food Allergy Richard F. Lockey, MD
Shiven Patel, MD
HCMA Alliance News 28 Leadership Recognized
Michael Kelly, Alliance Secretary/Treasurer
Photo Gallery
September 2019 Membership Dinner 16-17
The Bulletin is the official publication of the Hillsborough County Medical Association, Inc., 606 S. Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33606, (813) 253-0471.
Advertising in The Bulletin does not imply approval or endorse- ment by the Hillsborough County Medical Association. The Bulletin assumes no responsibility for statements made by its contributors. For ad- vertising rates and mechanical data, contact the HCMA.
Opinions expressed by the authors are their own, and not necessarily those of The Bulletin or the HCMA. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all con- tributions for clarity and length as well as to reject any material submitted.
 HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 65, No. 4 – November/December 2019

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