Page 29 - MAY JUNE Bulletin
P. 29
Personal News
In Memoriam
Dr. John Barsa practiced medicine in the Tampa Bay area for nearly 40 years and passed away on March 13, 2018 at the age of 76.
rough his medical practice, he spent his life dedicated to the science of pain manage- ment and the comfort and well-being of his pa- tients. He was recognized as one of the best in his eld and a pioneer in the treatment of pain.
In his personal life, he was known to be warm, intelligent, witty, and extremely generous. He is survived by his son, daugh- ter-in-law, two young grandsons, and countless extended family members, friends and colleagues.
Our condolences go out to Dr. Barsa’s family and friends.
Letter in the Tampa Bay Times
On ursday, April 19th, the Tampa Bay Times published a letter by HCMA President, Dr. Fred Bearison, citing the HCMA’s support of CDC research into gun violence.
Common ground: Find the facts
ere are many areas in the current debate about guns and gun ownership where both sides must agree to disagree. But there is one area where common ground ought to exist.
at concerns the need for continuing research on all aspects of this issue. Medical leaders and organizations have long supported the kind of research that is referred to as “evidence-based medi- cine,” not the super cial soundbite reporting from isolated indi- vidual studies that o en make headlines.
For that reason the Hillsborough County Medical Association strongly supports the recently passed Omnibus spending bill, signed into legislation March 23, 2018 by President Trump, em- powering the Centers for Disease Control to pursue research into gun violence. We believe this kind of approach is needed to help enable policymakers and elected o cials make the most rational decisions possible in dealing with this very urgent public health issue.
HCMA Leadership meets with Legislators
On April 24th, the HCMA Leadership met with members of the Hillsborough Legislative Delegation and district sta for the First Annual Post Session Legislative Reception. roughout the great dialog, legislators gave pointers on how organized medicine can improve the language in proposed bills, to assist in better movement through the legislative process.
Many thanks to e Woman’s Group for providing the beauti- ful location for our reception.
Pictured above: MarDee Buchman (Field Rep/Congressman Bilirakis, CD#16), Dr. Ed Homan (HCMA Past President and former HD#60 representative), Drs. Nicole Riddle (HCMA Gov’t A airs Comm. Member), Radhakrishna Rao (HCMA Gov’t Af- fairs Comm. Member), Jayant Rao (HCMA Vice President), omas Bernasek (HCMA President Elect), Rep. Wingay Newton (HD#70), Bill Butler (HCMA Alliance President), Dr. Eva Crooke (HCMA Secretary), Rep. James Grant (HD#64), Debbie Zorian (HCMA Executive Director), Dr. Michael Cromer (Chm, HCMA Gov’t A airs Comm.), Coleen Shephard (HCMA Alliance), and Dr. Bruce Shephard (HCMA Past President). Not photographed: Sen. Darryl Rouson (SD#19), Emmanuel Rouson, and Rep. Jackie Toledo (HD#60).
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 64, No. 1 – May/June 2018