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It is through strong member participation that the HCMA has an effective voice within organized medicine and in our community. We offer a variety of ways for you to serve the or- ganization and encourage your participation. Please call the HCMA office at 813.253.0471 for further information:
Editorial Board, The Bulletin
The Bulletin is the official publication of the HCMA and is published bi-monthly, both printed and electronically. The HCMA Editorial Board strives to keep up with our progressive medical community and to present editorials and advertisers in a pleasing and stimulating fashion.
Executive Council
The affairs of the HCMA are managed by its Officers under the supervision and control of the Executive Council. As the governing body of the Association, business is transacted as deemed advisable and in the best interest of the Association.
Foundation Board
The HCMA Foundation, Inc., the charitable arm of the HCMA (501c3 status), was incorporated in 1997 and provides cash grants to non-profit organizations in the Tampa Bay area for programs designed to promote awareness and support of health and health related issues.
Government Affairs Committee
An important component of the HCMA is our ability to be proactive legislatively. The HCMA Government Affairs Com- mittee provides legislative efforts that empower members in the legislative arena.
HCMA Delegates to the FMA
HCMA Delegates to the Florida Medical Association (FMA) prepare resolutions to be submitted to the FMA House of Del- egates at the FMA Annual Meeting each year. Resolutions often result in proposed legislation or FMA policy.
Hillsborough Political Action Committee (HILLPAC) Board
HILLPAC, the political arm of the HCMA, supports legisla- tors who are pro-medicine and who understand the importance of allowing physicians to care for their patients without bur- densome governmental intrusions and unnecessary insurance mandates. HILLPAC elections take place every other year.
Membership Committee
The objective of the Membership Committee is to develop and implement plans to demonstrate the relevance of member- ship in order to recruit and retain members throughout the year.
Physician Wellness Committee (PWC)
The newly formed PWC is instrumental in creating a fully funded Physician Wellness Program designed to address the seriousness of physician burnout and to assist members with work/life balance. Efforts are currently underway to provide a confidential, voluntary, valuable resource for all HCMA mem- bers by way of counseling sessions.
Advocating for physicians and the health of the communities we serve.
HCMA Foundation Physician Wellness Donations
Many thanks to the following contributors to the HCMA Foundation Physician Wellness Program! For more details about the program and how to help, contact Debbie Zorian, HCMA Executive Director, 813.253.0471 or
Thomas Bernasek, MD Tampa General Hospital
Emergency Medical Associates of Tampa Bay
Dr. David & Elke Lubin
Dr. Joel & Nancy Silverfield Debbie Zorian
Bryan Bognar, MD
Rosemarie Garcia-Getting, MD Jayant Rao, MD
Dr. Bruce & Coleen Shephard
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 65, No. 3 – September/October 2019 15