Page 16 - MBF Supplement Demo
P. 16
Hired Volvo/Van Hool FJI 5377 looks hopelessly out of place among the indigenous Eldorado vehicles, despite the fact that the adjacent Plaxton Premiere bodied Scania, 15 (W15 ELD – the last of a batch of five remaining in service), is only three years newer!
Reuben Greene - SE London
Kieren Starr - East & West Midlands
Two additions to report this time round: LDT763 (LK54FKV) is an ex City Transport Dennis Trident/ Plaxton President H67D, whilst ERM1899 (ALD899B) is an extended AEC Routemaster/ PRV O76R in London Coaches livery acquired from a preservationist.
No less than seven former City Transport buses from this fleet were sent to the Cheltenham Races in March to assist Crossways with special services there. These were, DAF DB250RSLF/ ALX400 LDD570, Dennis Trident/ ALX500 LDT365, Dennis Trident/ Duple Metsec LDT611/5, Scania Omnidekka/
East Lancs LSO781, Volvo B7TL/ Plaxton President LV600 and Volvo B7TL/ East Lancs LV638.
Vehicles withdrawn since the last report are: 4401- 4/17-8 (T101-3JUA, Y404CRY, RS53ARN/R) Dennis Arrow/ NC Palatine II H76F (of these, 4402 has been cannibalised for spares), 1529-30 (X529-30AUT) Dennis Dart/ Plaxton Pointer B39F, and 3061-4 (V61- 4FGN) Dennis Javelin/ Plaxton Excalibur C49F.
The following have been sold from the fleet: 3201/3- 5 (X201/3-4GNY, FA51ADC) Neoplan Cityliner/ Neoplan C50F (3201/5 to Welsh Valleys Enterprise); 2603-4 (K603-4LMU) Leyland Lynx B49F (2604 to Welsh valleys Enterprise); 1605-8 (FA51AME-H) Optare Solo B31F to Welsh Valleys Enterprise; 1521- 4/6-8 (W521-2UJF, X523-4/6-8AUT) Dennis Dart/ Plaxton Pointer B39F to Welsh Valleys Enterprise; 2106 (V106XBU) DAF Optare Delta B49F (scrapped); 2101/7 (S101CKO, V107XBV) sold for further service; 2102-5/11 (S102CKO, V103-5XBU, Y111CRY) DAF SB220/ Optare Delta B49F; 207 (K207RAY) DAF SB220/ Optare Delta B49F (exported to Australia); 3061-4 (V61-4FGN) Dennis Javelin/ Plaxton Excalibur C49F; and 4401/3/4/17/8 (T410/03JUA, Y404CRY, RX53ARN/R) Dennis Arrow/ NC Palatine 2 H76F.
Service 234 (Hinckley - Leicester - East Midlands Airport - Nottingham) has been withdrawn.
Further modern rolling stock added to this fleet to further aid DDA compliance during peak seasons comprises, Dennis Trident/ Plaxton President H67D 1225 (LY05MNA) and Volvo B7TL/ Wright Gemini H64D 1228 (LT55TZL) from City Transport and Dennis Trident/ ALX400 H69D 1214 (LP03YHJ) from Barnet Bus. These were undergoing overhaul and refurbishment at Aldenham works as this report was being compiled.
Older vehicles added to the fleet since the last report are, Bristol MW6G/ ECW C39F 4118 (760MDV), Leyland Sherpa minibus B-F 3080 (GCV280W), and Leyland PD2-12/ Leyland H58R 1053 (KUF722). The last mentioned vehicle replaced a similar vehicle with the same fleet number (NKT722) after a preservationist offered the exchange of a former Southdown bus for the Maidstone & District vehicle from this fleet. All three of these vehicles are presently awaiting their turn to be restored.
Volvo B9TL/ Wright Gemini Explorer CH83D 1246 reported in the last issue as acquired entered service in February.
LDT763 (LK54FKV) is an ex City Transport Dennis Trident/ Plaxton President H67D.
ERM1899 (ALD899B) is an extended AEC Routemaster/ PRV O76R in London Coaches livery acquired from a preservationist.
Exclusive Motor Services (A+ Travel Group) Reuben Greene - Kent & East Sussex - Facebook