Page 3 - MBF Supplement Demo
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ADT Travel Group Duane Fryer - FACEBOOK
New vehicles added to the fleet comprise: VLH2 (SR17BXL) Volvo B5LH Hybrid/ Wright Gemini 2 H68F; and WBT52-8 (SR17S/V/W/CLT/DYE/ALD/M) Wright Boristrolley H62T.
Used vehicles joining the fleet are more numerous and are: AL1 (GSP1F) Albion Lowlander LR7/ NCME H71F; AV2 (FYS495) Albion KP71/ Scottish Aviation B37D; DAF29-30 (SR10TAO-P) DAF DB250LF/ East Lancs Myllenium Lowlander O73F; DBA56 (BJ03ETK) Daimler-Benz O530G/ DB Citaro AB55D; DC3 (G103FSP) Dennis Dart 8.5SDL/ Carlyle B29F; DLN2 (AAA507C) Dennis Loline III/ East Lancs H73F; DLN4 (HSP4E) Dennis Loline III/ Alexander H74F; DPX1 (1SGG) Dennis Pax/ Sparshatts B28D; L191 (VMG211G) Leyland Titan PD2A/27/ MCW Orion H64R; L192 (PFR339) Leyland Titan PD2/27/ MCW Orion FH61R; L193 (SSP987) Leyland Titan PD2/14/ Leyland L53R; L194 (MHJ346F) Leyland
Titan PD3/6/ Massey H72R; L185 (Q195DTS) Leyland Titan OPD2/1/ Comeng H60R; LA9 (KSU838P) Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R/ Alexander- Strathclyde B31F; LT4 (A114ESA) Leyland Tiger TRBTL11/3R/ Alexander P B52F; LT10 (6PEG) Leyland Tiger PS1/ Willowbrook B34F; NL5 (W1DEF) Neoplan Centroliner N4026/2 H76D; RMF14 (RCN701) AEC Routemaster 3R2RH/ PRV H72F; RML2273/301/411 (CUV273/301C, JJD411D) AEC Routemaster R2RH/1/ PRV H72R; SLE24-8 (GX03DEF-H/ZDG/MUM) Scania N94UD/ East Lancs Omnidekka H80F; and SLE29 (A2GAY) Scania N94UD/ East Lancs Omnidekka O74D.
Of the secondhand additions above, DLN2/4, RMF14 & RML2411 came from a preservationist and RML2273/301 from C&R Buses. SLE29 took the registration from a Leyland National now sold - see below (there are only 2 Leyland Nationals left in the fleet).
Hybrid technology comes to Montrose! VLH2 is a Wright Gemini 2 lowheight bodied Volvo B5LH Hybrid, and has been allocated to Montrose for town service M1, for which certain journeys need a double decker, but there is a low bridge in the way! A spur of the moment purchase at 2016's Xmas Cracker event at the Manchester bus museum is this beast from Alan Johnson's Buskit range.
AL1, an Albion Lowlander/NCME is allocated to Dundee Fintry and is used on the busy high frequency route between Dundee and Montrose, which because of low bridges, requires lowheight double deckers. From the impressive Sunrise range of resin kits.
L194 is the latest real Titan to join ADT. A Massey bodied PD3/6 built new for Southend. She has been painted in a special livery and the wording 'tween decks, says it all!! LBC Resin Kit.
The latest Boristrolley to enter the fleet is WBT52. She has been outshopped in an All Over Ad for Yellow Pages and is seen here alongside now preserved LA25.

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