Page 16 - Primavera Selections 2018
P. 16

Region: Piedmont
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Region: Piedmont
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Region: Piedmont
Figli Luigi Oddero
La Morra, Barolo
La Morra, Barolo
Francesco Versio & Dante Scaglione La Morra, Barolo
Francesco Versio & Dante Scaglione
Francesco Versio & Dante Scaglione
Luigi Oddero and the history of his family have certainly earned the reputation for holding the mantle as one of the more Luigi Oddero and the history of his family have certainly earned the reputation for holding the mantle as one of the more
LfuaimgioOusddperrooduancedrsthien hthisetorreygoiofnh.isAfsapmaitlyriahracvhes coefrtBaainrolyloe,atrhnedfatmheilyr’esphuitsattoioryn dfoartehsobldaicnkg tohe17m8a8nwtleheans olanbelosfftrhoemmtohereir famous producers in the region. As patriarchs of Barolo, the family’s history dates back to 1788 when labels from their
fEasmtaotueswperoredusoceldrsaindtwheherengyionu.sAtesppfaotoritarinchtsheoifr Bcealrloalros, the pfalamceilyf’esehlsisltiokeryitd’satsetseebpaecdk itnoh1i7s8to8ryw. hTehneylaabrelsbafrsoemd inthtehire Estate were sold and when you step foot in their cellars, the place feels like it’s steeped in history. They are based in the
E c s o t ma t me u w n e e r e o f s o L l a d Ma n o d r r wa , h i n e n t h y e o u f r s a t z e i o p n f e o o o t f i A n n t n h u e n i r z i c a e t l a l a wr s i , t h t h t e h e p l f a a c me i f l e y e o l s w l n i k i n e g i t p ’ s r i s m t e e e l p a e n d d i h n o h l d i s i t n o g r s y . i n T h t h e e y a c o r e m b m a u s e n d e s i n o f t h L e a commune of La Morra, in the frazione of Annunziata with the family owning prime land holdings in the communes of La
cMomormrau, nCeasotfigLlaionMeoFrrall,eitntothaenfdraSzeiorrnaeluonfgAa.nnAusnozniaetawwouitlhd tehxepfeacmt,ilwy ionwesnifnrgomprFimigeli lLaunidgihOodlddinegros ianrethme acdoemamsutnhesy owf eLrae Morra, Castiglione Falletto and Serralunga. As one would expect, wines from Figli Luigi Oddero are made as they were
Mmoarnrya,yCeasrtsigalgionewiFtahll(eattotimaneds)Slernragltuhnygma.aAcseroantieonwsoaunld euxsepeocft,lowinteosafsrtolmargFeiglfioLrmuigait Oodakde(rsouarceedmafrdoemaslotchael ycowoeprer many years ago with (at times) lengthy macerations and use of low toast large format oak (sourced from local cooper
mGanmybyae)aforsr tahgeoirwtoitpht(ieart DtiOmCeGs)wleinegst.hy macerations and use of low toast large format oak (sourced from local cooper Gamba) for their top tier DOCG wines.
Gamba) for their top tier DOCG wines.
In 2006, after 50 years of intensely tending the vines and making the wines, Luigi was obliged to depart from the family
In 2006, after 50 years of intensely tending the vines and making the wines, Luigi was obliged to depart from the family
IEns2ta0t0e6i,naLfateMr o50rrayeaanrds corfeainttehniseolywtnenladbinegl - tFhigelivLinueigsi aOnddemraok. iHneg tohoekwinitehsh, iLmuihgiswaisfeoLbelingae,dthteoirdtewpoarytofuronmg cthieldrfaemn,ilays Estate in La Morra and create his own label - Figli Luigi Oddero. He took with him his wife Lena, their two young children, as
Ewsteallteasin3L2ahMecotrarareasnodfctrheeatme hoistodwensirlabelel -vFinigeliyLaurdigsi Ofrodmdertoh.eH3e mtoeonktiwonitehdhicmomhims wunifesLaebnoav, eth. eUirntfworotuynoautneglyc, hieldrpeans,saesd well as 32 hectares of the most desirable vineyards from the 3 mentioned communes above. Unfortunately, he passed
wawelal yasin320h0e9ctanredsthoef tEhsetamteosist ndoewsiragbuliedevdinbeyahridsswfrifoem, Ltehnea3Gmavernilotivoanewdhcoohmams ubnueilst abpoovwe.eUrfnuflotretaumnabtelhy,inhdehpearstsheadt away in 2009 and the Estate is now guided by his wife, Lena Gavrilova who has built a powerful team behind her that
a i n w c a l u y d i e n s 2 f 0 o 0 r m9 e a r n wd i n t h e e m E a s k t e a r t e a t i s B r n u o n w o G g i u a i c d o e s d a , b F y r a h n i s c e w s c i f o e , V L e e r s n i a o a G n a d v r f i a l o m v o a u w s h l o o c a h l a o s e b n u o i l l o t g a i s p t , o D w a e n r t f e u l S t c e a a g ml i o b n e e h ( i w n d h o h we r o t r h k e a t d includes former winemaker at Bruno Giacosa, Francesco Versio and famous local oenologist, Dante Scaglione (who worked
iwncitluhdFersafnocremsceor watinGeimacaoksear)a. tTBhreucnorGe iaocfotshae,iFr rDanOcCeswcioneVsercsoiomaendfrofamtohuesirlovcianleoyeanrdosloogwisnt,eDdawntiethSincatghleionSaen(twahMo awrioarkCerud, with Francesco at Giacosa). The core of their DOC wines come from their vineyards owned within the Santa Maria Cru,
wihthileFrtahnecirehscigoha-etnGdiaDcOoCsaG).BTahroeliccooremoeffrtohmeiraDsOeClecwtionnesocfosmome efrofmthtehebier svtinceruysarwdsithoiwn ntheed rwegitihoin itnhceluSdaingtaSManatraiaMCarruia, while their high-end DOCG Baroli come from a selection of some of the best crus within the region including Santa Maria
w(LhaileMtohrerair),hRigohc-cehneddDeOi RCiGveBrar(oCliacstoigmlieonfreoFmalalestteole)catniodnBorof gsoliom(eSeorfrathluenbgeasdt’cArlubsa)w. ithin the region including Santa Maria (La Morra), Rocche dei Rivera (Castiglione Falletto) and Broglio (Serralunga d’Alba).
(La Morra), Rocche dei Rivera (Castiglione Falletto) and Broglio (Serralunga d’Alba).
P2R0O15DDUoClTcetto 2015 Dolcetto
CT12N 112 112 112
12 12 12 12
12 12 6 6
W24S0L L2.5U.8.C0 240 25.80
201153DBoalrcbeetrtao 2013 Barbera
23420 2354..840 320 34.40
20113BFarerbiseara 2013 Freisa
32260 3247..4905 260 27.95
201134FLraenisgahe Nebbiolo 2014 Langhe Nebbiolo
12 12
112 162 6
23600 2372.9.25 300 32.25
2014 Langhe Nebbiolo
2014 Barbaresco ‘Rombone’ (Limited)
300 32.25
2014 Barbaresco ‘Rombone’ (Limited) 201143Barboaloresco ‘Rombone’ (Limited)
600 64.50 600 64.50
2013 Barolo
201131 Barolo ‘Specola’ Riserva
600 64..50 600 64.50
2011 Barolo ‘Specola’ Riserva
467070.50 61042.5.606 477.50 102.66
20110BBaarorololo‘S‘VpiegcnoalaR’iRoinsdearv’ aRiserva (sold out) 2010 Barolo ‘Vigna Rionda’ Riserva (sold out)
477..50 1102..66 477.50 102.66
2010 Barolo ‘Vigna Rionda’ Riserva (sold out) 6 477.50 102.66

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