Page 9 - Primavera Selections 2018
P. 9
Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia
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Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia
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Capriva del Friuli,
WLINOECMALAIKTYE:R: GiCoargpiroivSacdheiolpFeritutloi,and Mauro Simeoni WINEMAKER: scGhiorpgeiottSoc.choiomp.eitto and Mauro Simeoni
When in April 2003, Decanter reported the passing of a giant of Italian wine, Mario Schiopetto, they referred to him as "...
When in April 2003, Decanter reported the passing of a giant of Italian wine, Mario Schiopetto, they referred to him as "... the man responsible for Friuli's fame as a white wine producing area." Back then, the appreciation and extent of this fame
the man responsible for Friuli's fame as a white wine producing area." Back then, the appreciation and extent of this fame was still confined to a relatively small, discerning and mainly European audience. Mario Schiopetto's focus was to get this
was still confined to a relatively small, discerning and mainly European audience. Mario Schiopetto's focus was to get this little zone in Italy's far north east recognised for fresh, lively, textured and complex whites. He achieved this firstly through
little zone in Italy's far north east recognised for fresh, lively, textured and complex whites. He achieved this firstly through a devotion to the vineyards and wines themselves, and also by being regarded in the same company as the other emerging
a devotion to the vineyards and wines themselves, and also by being regarded in the same company as the other emerging big-hitters of the Italian wine scene. But his major influence on this region in the 1970's was the pioneering of wine
big-hitters of the Italian wine scene. But his major influence on this region in the 1970's was the pioneering of wine preservation techniques in the wine making process, something lacking in the region - cold and anti-oxidative handling,
preservation techniques in the wine making process, something lacking in the region - cold and anti-oxidative handling, epitomised by the German handling of Riesling - along with the more 'French' technique of elevating their wines in a careful,
epitomised by the German handling of Riesling - along with the more 'French' technique of elevating their wines in a careful, more oxidative, texture-building manner.
more oxidative, texture-building manner.
Today the common thread of the Schiopetto wines is restraint, with definition and layered aromatics, notable textures and
Today the common thread of the Schiopetto wines is restraint, with definition and layered aromatics, notable textures and a touch of phenolic grip - all underpinned by extensive and vigorous structures along with the much-prized savoury
a touch of phenolic grip - all underpinned by extensive and vigorous structures along with the much-prized savoury element. They are headlined by a powerful rendition of Pinot Grigio, with elements of smokiness, iced pear and mineral, the
element. They are headlined by a powerful rendition of Pinot Grigio, with elements of smokiness, iced pear and mineral, the gorgeous apricot and musky wildflowers of Ribolla Gialla, but arguably the highlight is their standout white-flowered, nutty
gorgeous apricot and musky wildflowers of Ribolla Gialla, but arguably the highlight is their standout white-flowered, nutty almond Friulano. The reds are deep and juicy, with a classy gloss about them; 'Blumeri' is a bend of the indigenous refosco
almond Friulano. The reds are deep and juicy, with a classy gloss about them; 'Blumeri' is a bend of the indigenous refosco with Merlot while 'Rivarossa' is a Bordeaux blend of Merlot and Cabernet. All delicious and extremely food-friendly works
with Merlot while 'Rivarossa' is a Bordeaux blend of Merlot and Cabernet. All delicious and extremely food-friendly works of art.
of art.
L.U.C 25L.8.U0.C 352.56.980 353.56.969
35.69 35.69
20210616PiRniobtoGllraigGioialla 20210616FrPiuinlaontoGrigio
2016 Friulano
2015 Rivarossa (Merlot/Cabernet) 20210515PoRdivearreodsesai B(Mlumerelorit/(CMaebrelornt/eRte) fosco)
6 6 161620 6 6 16166 6 166
6 166 6 6 21566
2015 Podere dei Blumeri (Merlot/Refosco) 6 215 46.23