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Renal dialysis
Highly puri ed water is essential for this most critical application and is used to help cleanse the blood of renal patients.
Veolia specialises in solutions for the production and distribution of Haemodialysis uids. We can provide you with the total water puri cation and concentrate mixing and supply systems needed to support your dialysis machines .
Our solutions include state-of-the-art, hygienically designed, Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, and concentrate distribution systems. RO systems are o en coupled with ultra ltration and designed to be heat disinfected to achieve optimum dialysis purity and integrity. Stylish outlet panels, designed hygienically with infection control in mind, supply all the services direct to the dialysis machines and ensure that the total uid pathway is contaminant free.
All equipment is TGA compliant and the water produced meets the recommendations stipulated within ISO23500 (Guidance for the preparation and quality management of uids for haemodialysis and related therapies) and ISO 13959 (Water for haemodialysis and related therapies).
We o er advice on the best combination of equipment for your needs, whether it is a standalone single patient unit, a small ring-main for a satellite renal unit or a larger system for an acute hospital.
You can be sure of an unrivalled installation and a er sales service and the patient can be assured of safety and comfort.
A dialysis patient can require up to 25,000 litres of pure water every year
Importance of water
Our Solution
Your bene ts
Puri ed water is used to manufacture dialysis concentrates
Around 25000 litres of puri ed water is required per year per patient to dilute dialysis concentrates
Only the dialyser membrane separates the patients’ blood from the pure dialysate
Additional pure water is used to clean the machine between each treatment
Dialysis treatments cannot take place without puri ed water being available
Validated systems guarantee water purity for concentrate production
Bespoke system designs meet all standards and speci cations from all types of feedwater supplies
Systems are designed to ensure supply and production of microbiologically pure water to maintain patient safety during treatment
Integrated heat cleaning cycles ensure maintenance of hygienic pathways
Secure system design along with skilled technical support provides total peace of mind
Long term reliable performance
Patient safety and comfort
Regulatory Compliance
Advice on design, equipment combination and installation
Avoidance of cancelled dialysis sessions minimising time, cost and inconvenience
Unrivalled service support for continued operations