Page 16 - Publications by Alexander Ruscuklic
P. 16
other fully.
f w
Recruiting became a critical factor, and the following
objectives were set from the Board down Alex Ruscuklic tackled the task by critically re-aligning the
other fully.
and everyone was made accountable for East Sydney Club. All stakeholders were made aware that
Stringent benchmarks were set for EVERY department and their performance and achievement they were highly interdependent and needed to support each
■ The same strict standards were applied to management — General Manager, Social
function of the Club.
other fully.
A broad-ranging and fundamental Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats (S.W.O.T.) analysis was conducted Club Manager, Finance Manager and,
Building the team for ongoing success
As aArebsurlot,atdhe-rfaonllogwining waansdachfuienvedda: mental Strengths, Weaknesses,
uhave ve po
management — General Manager, Social
■ ExtreCmhelcykihnighthseta ngduarredss and performance
c CRo l e unc b r s Mu t i a r t ni ana g gi e n r b, t Fe s i c n a wa mn c e e e r Ma e a nc a ar pgi t e i pr c a al ni l ed f , da c : t o r , a n d t h e f o l l o w i n g
The key to the reorganisation and consequent successful objectives were set from the Board down
p c o a r n t s i c t u r a l a i r n l t y s t wo t e h r e e R a e p c p r l u i i e t d i n : g M a n a g e r .
performance of the East Sydney Club lay in the gures —
Stringent benchmarks were set for EVERY department and function of the Club.
How it was done
How it was done
A broad-ranging and fundamental Strengths, Opportunities and Threats (S.W.O.T.) analysis across all departments and with all board managers, all players, sponsors and supporters’
Stringent benchmarks were set for EVERY departmentwanhden you have faithin the fu
departments and
managers, all players, sponsors and supporters’ groups.
across all
function of the Club.
with all board members, all particularly to the Recruiting Manager.
you have power in the pres
Weaknesses, was conducted members, all
Alex Ruscuklic tackled the task by critically re-aligning the
East Sydney Club. All stakeholders were made aware that
they were highly interdependent and needed to support each
As a result, the following was achieved:
■ Extremely high standards and performance
Opportunities and Threats (S.W.O.T.) analysis was conducted ■ Extremely high standards and performance
when yo you ha
across all departments and with all board members, all objectives were set from the Board down
Building the team for ongoing success
and everyone was made accountable for
managers, all players, sponsors and supporters’ groups.
Checking the gures
their performance and achievement
As a result, the following was achieved: The same strict standards were applied to
Checking the gures
and everyone was made accountable for
or rather, the close and careful scrutiny and analyses of the
■ where recruitment statistics were available, ■ whereCrhecercukitinmgentht seta tgisutircesswere available,
t h e i r s pt aet irs ft oi c rs mg a amne c- bey - ag anmd e a: c h i e v e m e n t
Checking the gures
they were measured against those of
they were measured against those of
The key to the reorganisation and consequent successful
■ every game was analysed meticulously
the prpeemrfioerrmshanipcecloufbtsh’ebEesatstpSlayydenresy Club lay in the gures — ■ The same strict standards were applied to
T h e t p h k a e e r n y t s i c e t u t o a l a g t h a r l i e y n s r t t e o E o t r a h g s a e t n S R i y s e d a c n t r i e o u y n i ’ s t i a n n g g u d Mr e c s o a n n s a e g q e u r e . n t s u c c e s s f u l or rather,orthreathcelor,stehaencldosceaarnedfuclarsecfruultsicnryutainydanadnalnyasleyseosfofththee
the premiership clubs’ best players
or rather, the close and careful scrutiny and analyses of the
■ every team and Club meeting was management — General Manager, Social
■ the statistics for every club in the competition statistics game-by-game:
was e
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
t Sydney went
YEAR +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
next ve years!
YEAR +1 +2 + + +6
YEAR+1+++ +6
YEAR +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
The key tocatrheefurlleyoarngalynsiesdatainodndoacnudmecnotnedsequent successful
The key to the reorganisation and consequent successful
Club Manager, Finance Manager and, were analysed for the past three years, and
■perftohrmea■psnetcraefovtroemirfsyatgnhaicemce sEeofawfstaohtserSaEnyeadslvnyteseSeydrdCmynleuytcbiclCullauobybuslilaiynyntinhtehth eg cugrouermses—p—eti ■ every on- eld move was tabulated and studied
■ every team and Club meeting was perfworemra■encaelnlotfratilhnyeinsgEesadesstsifSoonydrs nwtehyreeCgilvpuebnasliamtyitliahnr trtrheaetm yegnuetraesrs—, an
statistics game-by-game:
statistics game-by-game:
■ these analyses revealed that East Sydney was
carefully analysed and documented Board Meet or rather, the close and careful scrutiny and analyses of the
t h e n ■ ■ s r e e i v v e t a r l y a t e g g a a m ma s e i w n w e a s r s e t a s n t E u a d l a y i e s s e d t d j u m S s t e y t a i s d c u c n a l o r u e e s f y u l y l ’ l s y . g u r e s short by around ve to six goals every game
■ s t a t e i v s t e i r c y s ■ g g a a m me v e e e r - w b y y a o - n s g - a a n m e l a d e l : y m s o e v d e m w a e s t i t c a u b u l o l a u t s e l d y a n d s t u d i e d
These carefully-constructed policies quickly turned the Club’s
■ every team and Club meeting was ■ the team needed a ve-to-eight goal
■ these analyses revealed that East Sydney improvement per game to have any impact
■ all training sessions were given similar treatment
■ everyftgoearatmcumanreeawfsnualdrlsyoCualnudab.lyMymssedmedatbnimendregsdhtwoicpcauisnmloceurnestaleysded dramatically as East
Sydney began winning all its games — and not just by a mere carefu■llyraivnaaltlyeasmedswanerdedstoucduiemdejunsteadscarefully.
■ e v e r y ■ t e a e mv e r a y n o d n C - l e u l b d m m o e v e e t i w n a g s w t a a b u s l a t e d a n d s t u d i e d
s h o r t v e b t o y e i g a h r t g o o ua l s n ! d v e t o s i x g o a l s e v e r y g a m
■ achieve this and East Sydney would
c a r e f uTl hl ye s ae nc a a rl ye fs ue l dl y a- c no dn s dt rouc c ut emd ep no l t i ec di e s q u i c k l y t u r n e d t h e C l u b ’ s ■ every on- eld move was tabulated and studied
■ all training sessions were given similar treatment
be theSnpoenxstoyreshairp’sfPloroedmedieinr,sand Sponsors were happy to become fortunes around. Membership increased dramatically as East
■ theptaeratnmers nwiethetdhedCluab tovpero-mtote-eitisgghootdgfortaunle even
■ every on- eld move was tabulated and studied ■Sydrniveyalbtegaamnswienrneinstguadlileidtsjugsatmasesca—reafnudllyn. ot just ■ all training sessions were given similar treatment
by a
■ Recruitment was 24/7. further —
impTrhoesve ecamrefeulnly-tcopnsetrrucgtead mpoliecietsoquhickalyvteurnaend tyheiCmlubp’s ac
■ all training sessions were given similar treatment
■ rival teams were studied just as carefully.
This am“bAitieonudsantcaesrglieftedwbaysmoarcehtiheavne6d0.peEracsetntS—ydqunieteyofwteennbty
ve to eight goals!
fSoprotnusnoerssahripoufnlodo. dMedeminb,earnshdipSpionncrseoarsewdedrreahmaaptpicyatlolybaescoEmaset
100 per cent for a major game!” (Jack Dean - President)
■thrroiuvgahl tSpeuyandrmtndneseyfrwesbaewtgreaeidtnhstwiutnihdneinetiChdnlegujubansllteoiatxssptgrcaosameraeosfteou—nlilt’aysn. dghonoomdt jefuo-sartntbudyn-eawmevaeeyrne Bo These carefully-constructed policies quickly turned the Club’s
a r d Ma
ieve this and East Sydney would
contests a funvrdethttoeoreoi—kghotugtoathlse! Premiership for the next ve years! Top-class players actively campaigned to be with East Sydney.
fortunes around. Membership increased dramatically as East These carefully-constructed policies quickly turned the Club’s
be thSueccensserxemtayinedawri’tsh PEarsteSmydnieyrfsor many years. Media Sydney beS“Agptaotnennsowdrasinhcinepsifnlliogftoeadleldbiytisnm,goarnmedtehSspano—n6s0aornpsedrwnceeornettjh—uaspqtpubyiyteoaobfmetecenormbeye fortunes around. Membership increased dramatically as East
coverage lifted exponentially, making East Sydney the ‘golden’
p10a0rtpnerscewntitfhortahme aCjlourbgatmo ep!”ro(JmacoktDeeaitns- Pgroeosdidefnot)rtune even ve to eight goals!
Sydney began winning all its games — and not just by a mere Club for advertising and sponsorship support.
further —
■ Recruitment was 24/7.
ve to eigThotpg-colasls!players actively campaigned to be with East Sydney.
Sponsorship flooded in, and Sponsors were happy to become
“SAutctceensdsarnecmesaliinfeteddwbyitmh oEraesthSaynd6n0eypefrorcemnta—nyqyueiaterso.fMtenedbiya partners with the Club to promote its good fortune even
Sponsorsh1c0oiv0peprfealorgeocedlineftdefdoirneax, pmaonandjeonrStgpiaomllnye,s!mo” r(aJsakcwiknDegerEaenash-tPaSrpeysdpidnyeentyto)thbee‘gcolmdeen’
This ambitious target was achieved. Eas further —
partners CwluibthfortahdeveCrtliusbingtoanpdrsopmonosotershitips sguopopodrtf. ortune even
Top-class players actively campaigned to be with East Sydney.
t f h u r r t o h ue r g —h u n d e f e a t e d i n t h e n e x t s e a s o n ’ s
Success remained with East Sydney for many years. Media
“Attendances lifted by more than 60 per cent — quite often by
c1“oA0tn0teptnedrsactnesncetasfonlirfdtaedmtobayjomrkgoaormeuteht!”at(nJha6cek0DpPearnec-emPnrtesi—iederqnsut)ihteiopftfeonrbythe Club for advertising and sponsorship support.
coverage lifted exponentially, making East Sydney the ‘golden’
100 per cent for a major game!” (Jack Dean - President)
Top-class players actively campaigned to be with East Sydney.
STuopcc-celsasssrepmlaayienresdacwtiivthelyEcaastmSpyadignneeydftoor bme awniythyEeasrts.SyMdendeiya.
Board Meeting
cSouvcecreasgserleimfteadineexdpownietnhtiEaallsyt, Smyadknienyg fEoarstmSayndyneyetahres.‘gMoleddeina’ Ccoluvberfaogrealdifvterdtiesxinpgonaenndtisaplolyn,smoraskhiinpgsEuapsptoSryt.dney the ‘golden’ Club for advertising and sponsorship support.
As a result, the following was achieved:
gths, Weaknesses, W.O.T.) analysis was conducted ents and with all board members, all
when you have faith in the future you have power in the present
■ th
s, all players, sponsors and supporters’ groups.
■ Extremely high standards and performance objectives were set from the Board down and everyone was made accountable for their performance and achievement
■ The same strict standards were applied to management — General Manager, Social Club Manager, Finance Manager and, particularly to the Recruiting Manager.
■ Recru
Board Meeting
■ ach be t
This am
through u contests an
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