Page 132 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
P. 132
Chapter 7: Giving Correction and Feedback
Figure 7-1:
Which note would
Dear Caroline,
Thank you for your invitation to the party, However, I regret to inform you that I will be unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances.
Yours sincerely Ivanete
Allo Caroline,
Tank you for the invitation to your house for party. Sorry but is not good this day for me because I working. I Coming next time promis.
you like to Kisses receive if
you were Caroline?
The first note doesn’t contain any particular errors, but it’s inappropriate for the situation. However, the second version has several inaccuracies but it also displays real warmth because of the style. I suspect that Caroline would prefer to receive the second version.
So, when your students write, train them to use appropriate layout, style and register (degree of formality). I talk about appropriate style and register in Chapter 11.
When you correct grammar, try not to get too distracted from the purpose of the text. It’s best to focus on expressions that students are likely to use repeatedly.
So, for example, if your class is preparing for higher education, the students probably need to grasp the use of passive sentences in general because these are common to academic writing. If a student wrote: ‘First you connect the tube to the cylinder and then you fill it up with liquid.’ you may note that he should use passive constructions for describing a process.