Page 181 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
P. 181

Part III: Teaching Skills Classes
Table 11-1 How to use linking words
Some lower-level linking words
so You generally use a comma before these words when they join two sentences together. Some people
leave out the comma when the two sentences are very short.
Patrick had two bags but he gave one to Nasreen.
  because When these words are first in the sentence use a comma before the second clause (part of sentence
 when before
which is itself like a sentence with a subject and verb ).
Because I like him, I bought him a gift.
You don’t need a comma when these words are between the clauses.
I greeted him when I saw him at the party.
  Examples of linking words for intermediate level and above
in addition
Use a comma after this word when it links sentences and clauses.
I had a nice day. However, the weather was poor. You use in addition or in addition to this with a
comma then a clause.
There are several styles of dress on display. In addi- tion to this, there are many nationalities costumes.
You begin a new sentence with these words and a comma to link the sentence with an idea you have already mentioned.
I liked the cuisine. Furthermore, the museums were very good
   When your students know how to master a sentence and build sentences into a paragraph, they are ready to tackle a more substantial task where they write a complete text.

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