Page 192 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
P. 192
Chapter 12
What Accent? Teaching Pronunciation
In This Chapter
▶ Asking students to ‘repeat after me’ ▶ Displaying phonemes
▶ Adding stress
▶ Boosting pronunciation
▶ Getting the tone right
There’s nothing worse than studying a language for years only to find that nobody can understand a word you say. You write with ease but when you open your mouth, you’re met with blank stares. This is the experience of many a student whose teachers underestimated pronunciation skills. So in this chapter, I tell you how to teach good pronunciation.
Repeat after Me
Probably the simplest way of making students pronunciation conscious is by getting them to repeat all the new words they learn as well as the words they find tricky. Before you cringe, erase that picture of students sitting in rows reciting dull and meaningless sentences. Repetition can be incorporated into the normal flow of the lesson and can be used to raise energy levels at any level.
Repeating first
The natural order for learning language skills is listening first, then speaking, followed by reading and finally writing. With this in mind, when you introduce a new word students should repeat it after you several times before focusing on the spelling.