Page 286 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
P. 286

                Chapter 18
Putting Students to the Test
In This Chapter
▶ Finding out what your students need
▶ Discovering the best course for students ▶ Grading tests
▶ Considering alternatives to testing
The word ‘test’ tends to evoke fear in most students, but as a teacher, tests help you gather loads of information that enable you to keep your students happy and progressing.
Testing is useful before students get started so you know what kind of course to enrol them on, but you can also use tests along the way to check progress and find out if the course was successful in meeting objectives.
Testing Early to Discover Your Students’ Needs
When a student makes an inquiry about a course, schools and individual teachers see pound signs flash before their eyes. In reality though, the pounds only materialise if you can you deliver the course the student needs. So you start off by checking what she knows and what she needs. I cover the various ways of doing this in the next sections.
Having them test themselves
One kind of test that’s really useful for giving you a head start before you even meet the student, is a self-assessment test in which you get the student to analyse how good she is at various aspects of the language, usually by rating herself from 1-5 or by completing sentences.

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