Page 389 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
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Teaching English as a Foreign Language For Dummies
 indirect object, 217
individual drilling, 172–173 inductive learning, 288
infinitive, 53, 213, 240
informal letter, 163
informative speaking, 91–92 in-house training, 43–44 inseparable phrasal verb, 252–253 instructions
listening activities, 206 monolingual classes, 321 Production phase of lesson, 65 speaking activities, 96 teacher-created materials, 123
intensifier, 224
intensive course, 38, 279
intention, expressing, 245–246 interaction pattern, 60, 65
intermediate level student, 52–53 International Association of Teachers of
English as a Foreign Language
(IATEFL), 345
International Certificate in Financial English
job. See also abroad, working advertisements, 10
basic required skills, 11 break from, 15–16
business English, 280–282 career ladder, 16
gap years, 15–16
home country versus countries
abroad, 10–12 preparations, 13–15
search for, 45–46, 343 seasonal work, 12–13 teachers’ common fears, 17 unqualified teachers, 33 work permit, 34–35
journal, 344
• K•
Key English Test (KET), 304 Kim’s game, 297
kinaesthetic learning, 69, 285, 339 Korean student, 330
•L •
labelling activity, 206
language knowledge, 19, 314–315 language lesson. See also specific skills
aims and objectives, 49, 58–59 checklist, 65
feedback sessions, 108
general teaching methods, 23–27 grading process, 56–58
length of, 26, 59–60, 126 one-to-one lessons, 279–280 phases of, 61–64
reading case study, 152–155 relevant information, 55–56 student involvement, 64–66 student learning levels, 50–55 students’ expectations, 28–29 teacher resources, 115–116, 344 teachers’ common concerns, 21 templates, 349–354
training courses, 37 Language Link (website), 46 Latin-based language, 168
 (ICFE), 307
international English, 295–296 International English Language Testing
System (IELTS), 300–302 International House (language school), 46 International Legal English Certificate
(Cambridge ILEC), 307 International Spoken ESOL (ISESOL)
exam, 306
interview, 42, 94–95, 267
intonation, 143, 180–182, 201 intransitive verb, 252–253
irregular verb, 214, 215, 232
ISESOL (International Spoken ESOL)
exam, 306
Italian student, 329–330 Italy, work in, 356–357 i-to-i course, 37
•J •
Japan, work in, 357
Japanese student, 331
jazz chant, 259, 340
JETSET Certificates in English Language
Skills, 306

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