Page 395 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
P. 395
Teaching English as a Foreign Language For Dummies
student (continued)
names, 321
one-to-one lessons, 275–280 respect for teacher, 23 special needs of, 127
as teacher, 337
test construction, 269 types of, 10
study skills, 307–312
style, writing, 110
subject, of sentence, 158–159, 212–213 subject pronoun
sentence structure, 212, 215
verb tense, 228–229, 233
subordinating conjunction, 225
suffix, 54, 315
summarising, 147–148, 192, 311 supermarket game, 340
survey, 98–99
Swan, Michael (Practical English Usage), 342 syllable, 104, 173, 178, 281
syllabus, 26, 56, 57
symbol, pronunciation, 173–177
defined, 76
exam courses, 314
phrasal verbs, 252 presentation of concept, 81–82
syntax, 76, 314, 330 synthesising, 302
• T•
tabloid, 81 Taboo game, 347 tax, 277
basic skills, 11
characteristics of, 22, 28, 29, 36
common fears and concerns, 17, 19–29 gap-year training, 15, 16
in-house training, 43
language knowledge, 19
one-to-one lessons, 277–279
open pairs activity, 87–88
personal information, 338
personality, 22, 23, 126, 278
published resources, 115–116, 342–347 relationship with students, 278, 322–324, 338 student as, 337
students’ expectations of, 27–29 students’ fancy for, 132 students’ respect for, 23 training courses, 34–44
training levels, 32 teacher qualifications
career ladder, 16
job market, 11, 12
teachers’ common concerns, 21 unqualified teachers, 32–34
Teacher Talking Time (TTT), 64–66 teacher’s book, 117, 291
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
(TEFL) benefits of, 1, 10 need for, 9 trends in, 13
teaching method
grading process, 56–58 importance of, 23–24 increasing difficulty, 24–25 relevant language, 27
role playing, 26–27
small groups, 26–27 student involvement, 64–66 training courses, 37 vocabulary, 26
teamwork, 321
teenager, 294
TEFL initiated teacher, 34
TEFL Training (teacher training provider), 41 (website), 45
temperature, room, 127
template, 163–165, 349
tense. See verb tense
Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL), 302–303
Test of English for International
Communications (TOEIC), 307 testing students
achievement tests, 269–271 alternatives to testing, 273 correction procedure, 113–114 exam classes, 268, 313–315 feedback sessions, 272
general English exams, 304–307 importance of, 265
marking process, 272
needs assessments, 265–267, 280–281, 352 proficiency tests, 267–269