Page 52 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
P. 52

                Chapter 3
Examining Courses, Qualifications and Jobs
In This Chapter
▶ Deciding on your level of teaching
▶ Signing up to the right courses and training ▶ Gearing your work to the salaries available ▶ Finding work
Gone are the days when a native English speaker could set off with a rucksack, arrive anywhere in the world and expect to be greeted with open arms by eager language school owners. Such scenarios are still pos- sible, but the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) industry has moved on, so you need to put a little more thought into it before you start packing. In this chapter I show you how to take your first steps in TEFL by deciding whether you need training, what kind to choose and how to go about finding a job.
Teaching the Teacher
From intensive weekends to master’s degrees, so many TEFL courses exist out there that it’s a job in itself trying to decide which one is right for you.
Before you set out to teach, get a decent dictionary and the best grammar book you can fit in your case (see Chapter 24 for some suggestions).

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