Page 67 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
P. 67

Part I: Getting Started in TEFL
 Potential employers you can try include:
✓ English First, known as EF advertises scores of vacancies worldwide.
Take a look at their website
✓ Language Link has vacancies in Europe and Asia. Its website is
✓ Wall Street Institute International employs graduate teachers without a TEFL certificate in their schools around the world. See for worldwide vacancies.
✓ Avalon School have a network of affiliated schools throughout Europe, Brazil, Poland, China and France, and its main branch in central London. Email with your CV. You must have a degree and TEFL certificate to apply.
✓ VSO – short for Voluntary Service Overseas – offers placements in Africa and Asia, preferably to graduates. Salaries are modest but VSO provides accommodation and you can apply for various grants. See www.vso. You need to be under 68 years of age to apply.
✓ International House has an excellent reputation for teaching worldwide and operates in about 30 countries. Contact for vacancies if you have a recognised TEFL certificate.
✓ Bell International operates in 18 countries. It advertises vacancies on its website at

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