Page 74 - Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies 2009
P. 74

                Chapter 4: Starting from the Beginning: Planning the Lesson
 Grammar to cover includes:
✓ More modal verbs: (should, may, might). Too many modal verbs exist to teach at once so you teach a few at a time.
✓ Zero conditional: If it rains, I use my umbrella.
✓ First conditional: If it rains, I’ll use my umbrella.
✓ Second conditional: If it rained, I’d use my umbrella.
✓ Non-defining relative clauses: The man, who I thought looked great, was at the office.
✓ Gerunds and infinitives: going and to go.
✓ The verb will for spontaneous decisions: I’ll pay!
✓ Present perfect continuous tense: I have been singing, he has been dancing.
✓ Past perfect tense: They had seen it, you had not watched it.
Vocabulary to cover includes:
✓ Comparing and contrasting: both, neither, whereas.
✓ Polite forms: Would you mind? I’m afraid I can’t.
✓ Expressions for generalising: On the whole, in general.
✓ Stages of life: infancy, childhood.
✓ Reviewing films, books and so on: describing the plot, characters, strengths and weaknesses.
At this level students can speak and write with reasonable fluency using a range of tenses and expressions for linking ideas. They can use appropriate language in a variety of situations demonstrating an understanding of formal and informal language.
Grammar to cover includes:
✓ To have something done: students are used to speaking about actions they do themselves. With this grammatical structure they can express the idea of paying or instructing other people to do things. For example, I had my house painted.
✓ Third conditional: If I had known, I wouldn’t have done it.
✓ Reported speech: She said that she . . .
✓ Defining relative clauses: The man who is standing over there is nervous.

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