Page 8 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 8
Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics
Chapter 32: Medical imaging 506
The nature and production of X-rays 507 X-ray attenuation 509 Improving X-ray images 511 Computerised axial tomography 513 Using ultrasound in medicine 516 Echo sounding 518 Ultrasound scanning 520 Magnetic resonance imaging 522
P2: Planning, analysis and evaluation 529
Planning 530 Analysis of the data 532 Treatment of uncertainties 536 Conclusions and evaluation of results 538
Appendix 1: Physical quantities and units 542 Prefixes 542
Estimation 542 Appendix 2: Data, formulae and
relationships 543
Data 543 Conversion factors 543 Mathematical equations 544 Formulae and relationships 544
Appendix 3: The Periodic Table 545 Glossary 546 Index 555 Acknowledgements 564
Advice on how to revise for and approach
examinations CD1 Introduction to the examination and changes
to the syllabus CD9 Answers to self-assessment questions CD12 Answers to end-of-chapter questions CD70 Recommended resources CD136