Page 213 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
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trades blow dry air from the Australian continent north ward over the western Pacific toward Indonesia. High pressure is over Australia at this time (see the July pressure in Figure 6.10). The wet season is from about November to April, during the Australian summer (see
the January rainfall pattern in Figure GIA 6.2). The ITCZ brings moist, warm air over northern Australia during this time. For more information, go to www.environment atmosphere02-1.html and scroll down to “monsoon.”
Chapter 6 atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations 177
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visualanalysis 6 Atmospheric Circulation
In 2013, dust plumes rising from the White Sands dune field blew more than 120 km over the Sacra mento Mountains of southern New Mexico.
1. Which of earth’s principal surface winds is driv- ing the dust shown in this image? Based on the apparent strength of these winds, during what season did this event occur?
2. looking back to the image in Figure 3.6a,
you see dust plumes that are brown, a common color for dust. What characteristic of the landscape makes the dust plumes white in
the image below? (note: these plumes are
not smoke from wildfires.)
Carrizozo lava field
San Andres Mountains
Sacramento Mountains