Page 34 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 34

With the Mastering gradebook and diagnostics, you’ll be better informed about your students’ progress than ever before. Mastering captures the step-by-step work of every student—including wrong answers submitted, hints requested, and time taken at every step of every problem—all providing unique insight into the most common misconcep- tions of your class.
 c The Gradebook records all scores for automati- cally graded assignments. Shades of red highlight struggling students and challenging assignments.
   c Diagnostics provide unique insight into class and student performance. With a single click, charts summa- rize the most difficult ques- tions, vulnerable students, grade distribution, and score improvement over the dura- tion of the course.
   c With a single click, Indi- vidual Student Performance Data provide at-a-glance statistics into each individ- ual student’s performance, including time spent on the question, number of hints opened, and number of wrong and correct answers submitted.

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