Page 382 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 382
346 part III The Earth–Atmo
sphere Interface
The Dynamic Planet
KEy LEArnIng
After reading the chapter, you should be able to:
• Distinguish between the endogenic and exogenic systems that shape Earth, and name the driving force for each.
• Explain the principle of uniformitarianism, and discuss the time spans into which Earth’s geologic history is divided.
• Depict Earth’s interior in cross section, and describe each distinct layer.
• Describe the three main groups of rock, and diagram the rock cycle.
• Describe Pangaea and its breakup, and explain the physical evidence that crustal drifting is continuing today.
• Draw the pattern of Earth’s major plates on a world map, and relate this pattern to the occurrence of earthquakes, volcanic activity, and hot spots.
The volcanic landscapes of Iceland are a surface expression of Earth’s endogenic,
or internal, system. The ash-covered environment and vapour cloud result from the activity of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which erupted in 2010. (See the ash plume produced by this eruption in Figure 13.21.) This chapter examines the materials and processes that shape Earth’s surface, laying the foundation for our study of the Earth– atmosphere interface. [Kersten Langenberger/ Imagebroker/Corbis.]