Page 630 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 630

 594 part IV Soils, Ecosystems, and Biomes
(a) Organic soil profile from Southern Ontario.
(b) Vegetable and market crops are often grown on drained organic soils in southern Ontario.
Victoria 0 500
Edmonton Regina
St. John’s
▲Figure 18.19 Organic order. [Photos (a) and (b) Courtesy of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, sis .html. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2012; (c) Thematic Soil Maps of Canada: Organic Order, agmaf/index_eng.html#context= soil-sol_en.xml, Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada ©, 2010. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister
of Public Works and Government Services, 2012.]
(c) Distribution of Organic order in Canada.
Charlottetown Fredericton
Queébec OTTAWA
Georeport 18.4 loss of Marginal lands Puts Pressure on Prime lands
Since 1985, more than 0.6 million hectares of irrigated soils have been removed from production in California, owing to water shortages and soil-quality problems, marking the end of several decades of irrigated farming in climatically marginal
lands. Severe cutbacks in irrigated acreage no doubt will continue, underscoring the need to preserve prime farmlands in California and in wetter regions elsewhere in the country.
Organic Order Map of Canada
Fibrisol Mesisol Humisol Folisol

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