Page 634 - Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography 4th Canadian Edition
P. 634

 598 part IV Soils, Ecosystems, and Biomes
(a) Solodized Solonetzic profile in Alberta.
(b) Saline landscape in Alberta. The salt pan in the foreground is an example of extreme salinization of the soil.
(c) Distribution of Solonetzic order in Canada.
0 500 Kilometres
Regina Winnipeg
St. John’s
Charlottetown Fredericton
▲Figure 18.23 Solonetzic order. [Photos (a) and (b) Courtesy of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, cansis/images/pr/index.html. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2012; (c) Thematic Soil Maps of Canada: Solonetzic Order, agmaf/index_eng.html#context=soil- sol_en.xml, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ©, 2010. Reproduced with the per- mission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2012.]
the soil orders and great groups in the Canadian sys- tem with the FAO-UNESCO system and the U.S. system (also see Appendix B, Table B.2). This table is adapted from the Canadian System of Soil Classification. Both the Soil Taxonomy and CSSC are hierarchical and each defines taxa on the basis of measurable soil properties. However, the Canadian system is designed only to clas- sify soils within Canada, whereas the U.S. system classi- fies soils of the world. The U.S. system has “suborders,” a category that does not exist in the Canadian system. The greatest difference between the two systems is that the Canadian system uses all horizons that are present to diagnose the soil, whereas the Soil Taxonomy system emphasizes the depth of soil reached through ploughing.
▲Figure 18.24 Commercial lake-bed evaporite mineral deposits. Although a mineral and not a soil, these deposits of sodium sulphate
(Na2 SO4) are mined from a lake bed near Chaplin, in southcentral Saskatch- ewan. Such deposits form in an environment where evaporation exceeds precipitation, so that the evaporites accumulate. This type of water-balance regime can lead to salinization in soils. This semiarid region features some mixed prairie, seen in the foreground. [Robert Christopherson.]
Queébec OTTAWA
Solonetzic Order Map of Canada
Solonetzic Order

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