Page 427 - The Principle of Economics
P. 427

for teenage workers. Give two reasons why a single minimum wage might distort the labor market for teenage workers more than it would the market for adult workers.
3. A basic finding of labor economics is that workers who have more experience in the labor force are paid more than workers who have less experience (holding constant the amount of formal education). Why might this be so? Some studies have also found that experience at the same job (called “job tenure”) has an extra positive influence on wages. Explain.
4. At some colleges and universities, economics professors receive higher salaries than professors in some other fields.
a. Why might this be true?
b. Some other colleges and universities have a policy of paying equal salaries to professors in all fields. At some of these schools, economics professors have lighter teaching loads than professors in some other fields. What role do the differences in teaching loads play?
5. Sara works for Steve, whom she hates because of his snobbish attitude. Yet when she looks for other jobs, the best she can do is find a job paying $10,000 less than her current salary. Should she take the job? Analyze Sara’s situation from an economic point of view.
6. Imagine that someone were to offer you a choice: You could spend four years studying at the world’s best university, but you would have to keep your attendance there a secret. Or you could be awarded an official degree from the world’s best university, but you couldn’t actually attend. Which choice do you think would enhance your future earnings more? What does your answer say about the debate over signaling versus human capital in the role of education?
7. When recording devices were first invented almost 100 years ago, musicians could suddenly supply their music to large audiences at low cost. How do you suppose this event affected the income of the best musicians? How do you suppose it affected the income of average musicians?
8. Alan runs an economic consulting firm. He hires primarily female economists because, he says, “they will work for less than comparable men because women
have fewer job options.” Is Alan’s behavior admirable or despicable? If more employers were like Alan, what would happen to the wage differential between men and women?
9. A case study in this chapter described how customer discrimination in sports seems to have an important effect on players’ earnings. Note that this is possible because sports fans know the players’ characteristics, including their race. Why is this knowledge important for the existence of discrimination? Give some specific examples of industries where customer discrimination is and is not likely to influence wages.
10. Suppose that all young women were channeled into careers as secretaries, nurses, and teachers; at the same time, young men were encouraged to consider these three careers and many others as well.
a. Draw a diagram showing the combined labor market for secretaries, nurses, and teachers. Draw a diagram showing the combined labor market for all other fields. In which market is the wage higher? Do men or women receive higher wages on average?
b. Now suppose that society changed and encouraged both young women and young men to consider a wide range of careers. Over time, what effect would this change have on the wages in the two markets you illustrated in part (a)? What effect would the change have on the average wages of men and women?
11. Economist June O’Neill argues that “until family roles are more equal, women are not likely to have the same pattern of market work and earnings as men.” What does she mean by the “pattern” of market work? How do these characteristics of jobs and careers affect earnings?
12. This chapter considers the economics of discrimination by employers, customers, and governments. Now consider discrimination by workers. Suppose that some brunette workers did not like working with blonde workers. Do you think this worker discrimination could explain lower wages for blonde workers? If such a wage differential existed, what would a profit-maximizing entrepreneur do? If there were many such entrepreneurs, what would happen over time?

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