Page 522 - The Principle of Economics
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exclusive manufacturer of this particular drug. When the patent expires, however, other companies are allowed to make the drug. All these forms of technological knowledge are important for the economy’s production of goods and services.
It is worthwhile to distinguish between technological knowledge and human capital. Although they are closely related, there is an important difference. Tech- nological knowledge refers to society’s understanding about how the world works. Human capital refers to the resources expended transmitting this under- standing to the labor force. To use a relevant metaphor, knowledge is the quality of society’s textbooks, whereas human capital is the amount of time that the popula- tion has devoted to reading them. Workers’ productivity depends on both the quality of textbooks they have available and the amount of time they have spent studying them.
The world’s population is far larger today than it was a century ago, and many people are enjoying a much higher standard of living. A perennial debate con- cerns whether this growth in population and living standards can continue in the future.
Many commentators have argued that natural resources provide a limit to how much the world’s economies can grow. At first, this argument might seem hard to ignore. If the world has only a fixed supply of nonrenewable natural resources, how can population, production, and living standards continue to grow over time? Eventually, won’t supplies of oil and minerals start to run out? When these shortages start to occur, won’t they stop economic growth and, per- haps, even force living standards to fall?
Despite the apparent appeal of such arguments, most economists are less concerned about such limits to growth than one might guess. They argue that technological progress often yields ways to avoid these limits. If we compare the economy today to the economy of the past, we see various ways in which the use of natural resources has improved. Modern cars have better gas mileage. New houses have better insulation and require less energy to heat and cool them. More efficient oil rigs waste less oil in the process of extraction. Recy- cling allows some nonrenewable resources to be reused. The development of alternative fuels, such as ethanol instead of gasoline, allows us to substitute renewable for nonrenewable resources.
Fifty years ago, some conservationists were concerned about the excessive use of tin and copper. At the time, these were crucial commodities: Tin was used to make many food containers, and copper was used to make telephone wire. Some people advocated mandatory recycling and rationing of tin and copper so that supplies would be available for future generations. Today, however, plastic has replaced tin as a material for making many food containers, and phone calls often travel over fiber-optic cables, which are made from sand. Technological progress has made once crucial natural resources less necessary.
But are all these efforts enough to permit continued economic growth? One way to answer this question is to look at the prices of natural resources. In a market economy, scarcity is reflected in market prices. If the world were run- ning out of natural resources, then the prices of those resources would be rising

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