Page 243 - Python for Everybody
P. 243
format, 74, 76 in, 71, 92, 108 is, 99
logical, 31, 32 modulus, 24, 29 not, 32
or, 32
slice, 69, 94, 101, 118 string, 24
operator, arithmetic, 22 optional argument, 73, 97 or operator, 32
order of operations, 23, 29
parameter, 49, 53, 100 parent class, 183 parentheses
argument in, 43
empty, 47, 72
overriding precedence, 23 parameters in, 50
regular expression, 133, 149
tuples in, 117 parse, 16
HTML, 150, 173
parsing HTML, 148 pass statement, 33 pattern
decorate-sort-undecorate, 119 DSU, 119
filter, 83
guardian, 38, 40, 76
search, 77
swap, 120 PEMDAS, 23
persistence, 79
pi, 45
pop method, 95
port, 154
portability, 16 precedence, 29
primary key, 207
print function, 16 problem solving, 4, 16 program, 11, 16 programming language, 5 prompt, 16, 25 pseudorandom, 46, 53 Python 2.0, 23, 25 Python 3.0, 23
Pythonic, 87, 89
QA, 86, 89
Quality Assurance, 86, 89 quotation mark, 19, 69
radian, 45
randint function, 46
random function, 46
random module, 46
random number, 46
random walk programming, 14 rate limiting, 162
re module, 127
reference, 100, 105
aliasing, 100 regex, 127
character sets(brackets), 131 findall, 130
parentheses, 133, 149 search, 127
wild card, 128 regular expressions, 127 relation, 207
remove method, 95 repetition
list, 93
repr function, 88
return value, 43, 53
reversed function, 125
Romeo and Juliet, 105, 110, 113, 119,
rules of precedence, 23, 29
runtime error, 29
sanity check, 115 scaffolding, 115 scatter, 125 script, 10
script mode, 21, 51 search pattern, 77 secondary memory, 16, 79 semantic error, 16, 20, 29 semantics, 16
sequence, 67, 77, 91, 97, 117, 124 Service Oriented Architecture, 162 set membership, 108
shape, 125
shape error, 125 short circuit, 38, 40 sine function, 45