Page 236 - think python 2
P. 236
IndexError, 72, 78, 90, 197
IOError, 140
KeyError, 104, 197
LookupError, 107
NameError, 22, 197
OverflowError, 46
RuntimeError, 45
StopIteration, 185
SyntaxError, 19
TypeError, 72, 74, 108, 116, 118, 139, 164,
197 UnboundLocalError, 110 ValueError, 46, 117
exception, catching, 140
execute, 11, 14
exists function, 139 experimental debugging, 25, 134 exponent, 202
exponential growth, 203 expression, 10, 14
big and hairy, 199 boolean, 40, 47 conditional, 183, 191 generator, 185, 186, 191
extend method, 92
factorial, 183
factorial function, 56, 58 factory, 191
factory function, 188, 189 False special value, 40 Fermat’s Last Theorem, 48 fibonacci function, 57, 109 file, 137
permission, 140
reading and writing, 137 file object, 83, 87
filename, 139
filter pattern, 93, 100, 184
find function, 74
flag, 110, 112
float function, 17
float type, 4
floating-point, 4, 7, 67, 183
floating-point division, 39
floor division, 39, 46, 47
flow of execution, 21, 26, 58, 59, 65, 178, 196 flower, 37
folder, 139
for loop, 30, 44, 72, 91, 119, 184
formal language, 4, 7
format operator, 138, 145, 197
format sequence, 138, 145
format string, 138, 145
frame, 23, 26, 44, 56, 109
Free Documentation License, GNU, v, vi frequency, 105
letter, 123
word, 125, 134 fruitful function, 24, 26 frustration, 200
function, 3, 17, 19, 25, 161
abs, 52
ack, 61, 113
arc, 31
choice, 126
circle, 31
compare, 52
deepcopy, 152
dict, 103
dir, 197
enumerate, 119
eval, 69
exists, 139
factorial, 56, 183
fibonacci, 57, 109
find, 74
float, 17
getattr, 168
getcwd, 139
hasattr, 153, 168
input, 45
int, 17
isinstance, 58, 153, 166
len, 26, 72, 104
list, 94
log, 18
max, 117, 118
min, 117, 118
open, 83, 84, 137, 140, 141 polygon, 31
popen, 142
programmer defined, 22, 129 randint, 101, 126
random, 126
recursive, 43
reload, 144, 195
repr, 144
reversed, 121
shuffle, 175