Page 174 - Marketing the Basics 2nd
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166 Marketing: the Basics
A key thought here is that the larger the ticket price the more complex the sale becomes. This introduces the idea of a buying centre. In some organizations one person makes the decision and is the only influence on the sales. In many B2B sales it is much more complex than that. Multiple players with multiple agendas influ- ence the final decision, depending as noted above, on the size and strategic importance of the deal. Often four key roles can be identi- fied. The decision maker who actually decides but is influenced by others and so does not decide on his/her own. Influencers are people who don’t decide but have important input to the decision. Financial people may have input in terms of the impact of the deal on the organization’s cash flow or ability to improve profitability. User managers will undoubtedly have an opinion on whether the new equipment is easier to work with than the older generation of equipment. Technical people often act as gatekeepers who get to say who you may buy from based on an approved set of vendors but cannot insist on one above another. Finally, senior executives may take a different view based on the strategy of the organization, almost always strategy trumps the thinking of people lower in the organization. The task of the sales rep is clear: make sure they understand the varying agendas of each key influencer and tailor their approach to align their product with the agenda of each of those key players. Easier said than done, but quite critical.
During the sales call the customer will generally have objections in their mind. Throughout the presentation, the salesperson should be ready to answer whatever queries or objections the customer might have. This is called objection handling. Having a well- trained and knowledgeable staff improves the salesperson’s ability in handling. The salesperson should also probe the customer from time to time, when they look quizzical or confused by what is being said. If an objection lays unaddressed in the customer’s mind we have left a seed that will almost certainly germinate into a deal killer, that is why good salespeople are quite happy to hear objec- tions. It is better that you hear them and deal with them than if they are left unanswered.
A sales force team should get together from time to time to hold an objection clinic where they can rehearse good answers to the objections that they will hear from potential customers. If you hear