Page 281 - US History
P. 281

Chapter 9 | Industrial Transformation in the North, 1800–1850
8. Which of the following was not a factor in the transportation revolution?
A. the steam-powered locomotive
B. the canal system
C. the combustion engine
D. the government-funded road system
9. What was the significance of the Cumberland Road?
A. It gave settlers a quicker way to move west.
B. It reduced the time it took to move goods
from New York Harbor to Lake Erie.
C. It improved trade from the Port of New
D. It was the first paved road.
10. What were the benefits of the transportation revolution?
Critical Thinking Questions
11. Which of the following groups supported the abolition of slavery?
A. northern business elites B. southern planter elites C. wage workers
D. middle-class northerners
12. Which social class was most drawn to amusements like P. T. Barnum’s museum?
A. wage workers
B. middle-class northerners C. southern planter elites
D. northern business elites
13. What did Peter Cooper envision for the United States, and how did he work to bring his vision to life?
14. Industrialization in the Northeast produced great benefits and also major problems. What were they? Who benefited and who suffered? Did the benefits outweigh the problems, or vice versa?
15. What factors led to the Panic of 1819? What government regulations might have prevented it?
16. Would the Industrial Revolution have been possible without the use of slave labor? Why or why not?
17. What might have been the advantages and disadvantages of railroads for the people who lived along
the routes or near the stations?
18. What were the values of the middle class? How did they differ from the values of those above and below them on the socioeconomic ladder? In what ways are these values similar to or different from those held by the middle class today?

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