Page 102 - Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solving Approach
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                68 Chapter 3 Java Basics
For your first Java trace, we’ll make things easy. Rather than asking you to do a trace on your own, we
just ask you to study the completed trace in Figure 3.4. But please do study it. Make sure you understand
how all the column values get filled in.
 1 int salary;
String bonusMessage;
salary = 50000;
bonusMessage = "Bonus = $" + (.02 * salary);
  Bonus = $1000
   Bonus = $1000
  Figure 3.4 Calculating a bonus—code fragment and its associated trace Apago PDF Enhancer
3.12 Initialization Statements
A declaration statement specifies a data type for a particular variable. An assignment statement puts a value into a variable. An initialization statement is a combination of the declaration and assignment statements— it specifies a data type for a variable, and it puts a value into that variable.
The Java language is strongly typed, meaning that all variable types are fixed. Once a variable is de- clared, it cannot be redeclared. Therefore, you can have only one declaration statement for a particular vari- able. Likewise, since an initialization statement is a specialized form of a declaration statement, you can have only one initialization statement for a particular variable.
Here’s the syntax for an initialization statement:
<type> <variable> = <value>;
And here are some initialization examples:
String name = "John Doe"; // student's name
 int creditHours = 0;
// student's total credit hours
The name variable is declared to be a String type, and it’s given the initial value of “John Doe.” 9 The creditHours variable is declared to be an int and it’s given the initial value of 0.
8 If you run the code fragment on a computer, you’ll see a .0 at the end of the output (Bonus
when you learn about mixed expressions and promotion later in this chapter.
9John Doe is commonly used as a filler in the United States and Great Britain when a person’s real name is unknown. We use it here as a default value for a student’s name. It serves as an indication that the student’s real name has not yet been filled in.
1000.0). The .0 should make sense

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