Page 788 - Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solving Approach
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754 Appendix 3 Java Reserved Words
strictfp*—strict floating point. This modifier for a class or method restricts floating-point precision to the Java specification and keeps calculations from using extra bits of precision that the local processor might provide.
super—parent or progenitor. This is a reference to a constructor or method that would be inherited by the object’s class if it were not overridden by a new definition in that class.
switch—select an alternative. This causes program control to jump forward to the code following the case that matches the condition supplied immediately after the switch keyword.
synchronized*—This modifier for methods prevents simultaneous execution of a particular method by different threads. It avoids corruption of shared data in a multithreading operation.
this—the current object’s. The this dot reference distinguishes an instance variable from a local variable or parameter, or it says the object calling another method is the same as the object that called the method in which the calling code resides, or it yields initiation of object construction to another (overloaded) constructor in the same class.
throw*—generate an exception. This command followed by the name of an exception type causes an exception to be thrown. It enables a program to throw an exception explicitly.
throws—might throw an exception. This keyword followed by the name of a particular type of exception may be appended to a method heading to transfer the catch responsibility to the method that called the current method. Apago PDF Enhancer
transient*—may be abandoned. This variable modifier tells Java serializing software that the value in the modified variable should not be saved to an object file.
true—yes. This is one of the two boolean values.
try—attempt. A try block contains code that might throw an exception plus code that would be skipped if
an exception were thrown.
void—nothing. This describes the type of a method that does not return anything.
volatile*—erratic. This keyword keeps the compiler from trying to optimize a variable that might be asynchronously altered.
while—as long as. This keyword plus a boolean condition heads a while loop, or it terminates a do- while loop.
Figure A3.1d Reserved words—part D